Help! My PC is infected by Restore_files_gavva.TXT Ransom virus. Yesterday morning I got an email from unknown. I opened that email and found an attachment. It I was not of my use, so I have deleted that mail and attachment. It was shocking that all my files got locked automatically after this. When I tried to access my files, Restore_files_gavva.TXT showed a ransom message and asked me to pay fine to unlock my files. My anti-virus is also not able to delete this virus. Please help me to delete Restore_files_gavva.TXT from my computer.
Restore_files_gavva.TXT is a nasty Ransomware virus that can easily infect any of the computer system stealthily and lock the entire system files. It mainly infect the targeted machines through spam email attachments. It can also get inside your computer system through bundled third party programs, suspicious websites, shareware etc. Once inside your PC, this dubious ransomware virus will easily encrypt your entire data and make the unusable. It will demand for a ransom amount of around $400 to unlock your files. Restore_files_gavva.TXT shows the following ransom message :
“All files including videos, photos and documents, etc on your computer are encrypted.
Encryptions was produced using a unique public key generated for this computer. To decrypt files, you need to obtain the private key.
The single copy of the private key, which will allow you to decrypt the files. Located on a secret server on the Internet; the server will destroy they key after a time specified in this window. After that nobody and never will be able to restore files. “
Restore_files_gavva.TXT Ransomware will also threat the user that your files can only be decrypted by a private generated for your system. if you don't pay the fine of fixed time then your files will get deleted. If your system is infected by this nasty virus then it is not a good idea to pay the fine. It is not guaranteed that this virus will unlock your data after paying the ransom. You are advised to completely delete Restore_files_gavva.TXT from your computer.
How To Remove Restore_files_gavva.TXT From Your PC
Remove Restore_files_gavva.TXT From Control Panel
1. Go to the Control Panel on your computer.

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